Friday, January 12, 2024

"Remove Barriers" and removing a barrier

 In a Zoom call this morning, friends and I discussed Biden's first campaign ad, his speech commemorating January 6th, and the likelihood of his winning the election. Our consensus was that the ad focused on Democracy was nice but insufficient and likely ineffective at moving people, getting people to feel an urgency to support and vote. His January 6th speech was likewise admired but found too removed from the public's immediate concerns for the welfare and security of their family. 

Someone of us suggested we ought to write a speech for Biden, and it was taken up as a challenge. In fact, two speeches were suggested: a campaign speech and the speech we'd like to hear Biden make. Here are my takes on each. 

First, Remove Barriers:

                                                                    A Biden Campaign Speech

My Fellow Americans:

I have been listening to your voices and concerns in face-to-face conversations with many of you across this great nation, through focus groups and surveys my campaign staff have conducted, through conversations with your Congressional Representatives and Senators, and through what you have been saying to interviewers and commentators. What I hear is that you are frustrated by barriers to achieving your goals and realizing your wishes for yourselves and your families.

I hear you. And I pledge to you tonight my dedication to removing those barriers. In fact, I intend to make “removal of barriers” the central theme of our Democratic Party, the central idea behind our proposals and the priorities of my administration – not waiting to start until after the election but to set out on this crusade to remove barriers right now, tonight, tomorrow morning.

What kind of barriers need to be removed?

  •  The barriers of cost of education and the burden of student loans need to be lessened if not removed.
  • The barrier of prescription drug costs, especially for the elderly, needs to be lowered. 
  • The barrier of restricted access to Medicaid and Medicare needs to be removed.
  • The barriers to fair, fast, compassionate and responsive processing of legal immigrants need to be removed – now -- but the barriers to illegal immigration need to be raised..
  •  The barrier to affordable housing are beyond the powers of a President, of either party. But I pledge to understand and enact policies that will facilitate development, affordable financing, fair and equitable rental processes, and policies that will accommodate Federal Reserve support of affordable lending and mortgage rates.
  • The barriers to unionization, to creating and joining a union, must be removed.
  • The barriers to open and candid exploration of history and expression of ideas in whatever venue – books, school rooms, media of all sorts, must be removed.
  • The barrier of monopoly and concentrated market power that stifles the innovator and entrepreneur must be reduced if not removed.
  • The barriers to voting must be removed.

In short, we intend to address and reduce if not remove all the barriers that stand between you and good healthcare, between you and your and your grandchildren’s attainment of aspirations, between you and your comfort and security in the American middle class.

We have accomplished much these past three years, but we still have much to do. With your support Removal of Barriers will become synonymous with the Democratic Party and our guiding star as we prepare policies and programs and set priorities for 2025 and beyond. Give us your endorsement and support, and together we will remove barriers and make 21st century America a beacon of democracy and of effective and compassionate capitalism, a beacon shining out to a world cowed by paranoid autocrats, centrally controlled economies -- a world hungry for optimism and freedom.


Thank you, and God bless you and these United States of America. May God protect our troops.

True, this speech addresses only domestic issues and avoids the rocky rapids of Ukraine aid, of Israel and Palestine balance, of China and Taiwan. But I believe domestic issues are the ones that will hold the center-left and motivate independent voters.

And now, for removing a barrier --

The Biden Speech I Yearn For

My Fellow Americans: 

Tonight, I announce a decision I believe will invigorate our democratic republic and inject new energy into our American experiment to demonstrate that a government of the people, by the people, and for the people – to quote a great Republican, President Abraham Lincoln – shall bring to every American the freedom and opportunity to thrive and prosper in the 21st Century.

Jill and I have been deliberating on the relentless passage of time; on the contributions we both have made over the last 24 years; on the pressures of national and world affairs with which we have dealt; and on the examples set by Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and Jim Clyburn. Jill and I have decided that I will not accept the Democratic Party’s nomination for President in the election of 2024. Instead, I will stand aside and welcome a new generation of Democratic leadership.


Here are twenty-four young, talented, energetic Democratic leaders capable of managing our affairs of state and guiding the ship of our Republic. (INTRODUCING EACH TO STAND AND BE RECOGNIZED.)

Representative Pete Aguilar

Mayor Karen Bass

Secretary Antony Blinken

Senator Cory Booker

Secretary Pete Buttigieg

Secretary Julian Castro

Representative Juaquin Castro

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Vice President Kamala Harris

Senator Mazie Hirono

Governor Kathy Hochul

Representative Hakeem Jeffries

Secretary Deb Holland

Senator Amy Klobuchar

Governor Wes Moore

Governor Gavin Newsom

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Governor Jared Polis

Governor J. B. Pritzker

Representative Jamie Raskin

Representative Adam Schiff

Senator Jon Tester

Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Mayor Michele Wu

And these 24 are merely representative of many, many more Democrat leaders on whom we will call this year and in the future.

These folks and others of their peers are our future.

I am not endorsing any young Democrat tonight, but I will endorse and actively support any of these or any other energetic, competent, pragmatic Democrat the party nominates to be my successor.

Fellow Americans: Nancy Pelosi, Bill Belichick, Nick Saban, Pete Carroll all have recognized that it is time to move over and make ways for others. They go out winners -- and Jill and I have chosen to join them.

Ours Democratic Party is the Party of Progress, the Party of Plenty, the Party of Empathy and Compassion, the Party that develops leaders -- and here they are, today. 

God bless these men and women; God bless you; God bless these United States of America, and God protect our troops.

This speech would negate any chance of President Trump being returned to the White House and assure Democratic majorities in the Senate and House. I yearn for it.