Friday, September 7, 2012

Speechifying Charlotte

From Barcelona: Michele Obama also has near-perfect pitch.  Her address was a superb example of public speech -- clearly organized, tuned to her audience (of faltering Obama loyalists), timed to their attention span (unlike Bill Clinton's, though also awesomely effective), and beautifully delivered.  Yes, the cynics will say of both talks that it is vapidly stupid to argue that I love him, therefore you should vote for him.  But both Ann R and Michele O accomplished what they set out to do -- to appear sincere, to be appealing and elicit empathy, and then to suggest that "if I find this distant man warm and human, perhaps you, also, should view him in that light."

Their husbands' speeches did not measure up -- wandering through complicated rabbit-trails of ideas, lacking in feeling, awkwardly delivered in parts.  Guys, take a lesson from the distaff side.