Well, we were both right, for my spine sure looks unnaturally twisted. Gradually, day by day, while the mornings were horrid, I would get more upright and mobile as the day wore on. As I subsequently learned, the discs were pressing out fluid and adjusting.

A subsequent MRI showed three stenoses -- severe pinches of the spinal chord. Here on the right is the spinal chord, in white; you can see the three pinches. Scary.
Off to see two of the best orthopedic spine surgeons in town, one a minimally invasive technician, the other a traditional 'open 'er up and let's take a look' guy. One said "if we operated on pictures, you'd be a candidate. But we don't. We operate on pain, mobility and strength. And you are not a candidate for surgery." The other said, looking at the films, "you must be a stoic. But no, avoid surgery as long as possible. You're not there yet." Two surgeons; no surgery; not bad. Both prescribed physical therapy and cautioned against forceful chiropractic.
The physical therapy has brought much relief and steady recovery. I still wince and groan in the morning, I still have to sleep on my side, sit in stiff-back chairs, use lumbar pillows and do my stretches. And I wore a back brace yesterday. But, I am improving every day ...
...and I am back in the boat!
Dang! Those pix are scary! So glad the docs said "no" to surgery and that the PT is working.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the profile on Tom Brady in the NYTimes mag 2 weeks ago? Especially interesting to us was the magic being worked by his trainer, masseur, etc., dude. Anyway it was inspiring in recommending the efficacy of massage and hands on type healing practices.
So glad you're back in the boat, Bro. Love you.