Friday, April 7, 2017

If you are intent on getting even . . . then you’d better make sure you win. Otherwise, you look like a chump.

Democratic Senators sure look like chumps.

What did their Quixotic, Garland Crusade accomplish?

  • Gorsuch is our new Supreme Court Justice. 
  • The bar for the next Trump appointee, no matter how ill-suited a hack s/he may be, is lowered to a mere 51 votes.
Democrats lost two ways instead of just one -- they had no chance of denying Gorsuch knowing that McConnell would change the rules -- and maybe even three ways if Gorsuch subconsciously carries resentment of Democrat's into his judicial chambers.

Democrats failed to get even and they surely lost: chumps


  1. usually I agree with most of what you post, but not this time. Given the givens you hold up: that McConnell would change the rules and Gorsuch would be confirmed and the new Justice would carry resentment, the Dems refused to play the game. Instead they opposed Gorsuch on two principles: one, he is not a mainstream judge and his ruling show clear bias against a government that functions despite the generalized nature of most Congressional legislation, and two the Repubs stole the seat from a sitting President -- unprecedented and disgusting in its audacity and disregard for our Constitutional history. Shame on them! I believe they will come to rue the day they trashed 227 years of orderly processes for filing vacancies. The Dems also stood up and resisted instead of placidly accepting the Repubs outrageous actions. And resting is the order of the day. They're not chumps, unless you truly believe that "winning" on the Republican's terms is everything. That a judge such a Gorsuch is even nominated is the more dangerous issue. Polyanna that I am I believe the Court will move him, as it has so many.

  2. resisting, not resting ==damn autocorrect!
