Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Day To Quaff

The rain left last week.  Sunny-bright-but-cool has kept the blossoms going -- on and on.  
From the lake, pink cherry against new lime green takes your breath;
impossible to keep your head in the boat.
Tulips abound.

Today, warmth flooded in to lift the soul.
Washed cars, like any red-blooded American teen;
washed winter off skylights,
lived with doors agape.

First patio dinner -- a lovely, summer caprese salad,
a good chardonnay, children's shouts of outdoor joy
carrying in clear evening air. 

We savored, pretending not to know inconstant May yet lurks,
waiting to tease.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Last Words on Student Loans

Elizabeth Warren is getting lots of ink for her bill to reduce interest rates on outstanding student loans.  This is putting a band-aid on a hemorrhage.  Our debt-burdened future leaders and otherwise big spenders (household formation, autos, clothes and such) would still be burdened with years of debt before beginning to spend their otherwise discretionary income to drive the economic recovery.  The Feds and State legislators must find ways to relieve this generation and their successors from this debt.  Their counterparts in Germany, England, China and Japan are entering the work forces with better educations and un-hobbled with debt.

Here is The New Yorker's last word on the issue: